###################################################### ## INSTALL ## ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~## ## 16-03-2005 ## ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~## ## ## ## How to build and install ARTIS on your machine ## ## ## ###################################################### - INTRODUCTION This document explains the ARTIS installation process. That is, which are the software dependencies, what you will obtain once you have installed it. - EXTRA SOFTWARE TOOLS ARTIS is not only an agent architecture, it also provides a set of tools to design applications for it. - Kiwi: A graphic tool to display the trace data corresponding to an execution of an ARTIS application. - Trace Tools: Tools used to trace the execution of ARTIS applications. mem2trace and trace2kiwi help the user to extract the tracing data and to translate it to .ktr format (which is the format kiwi understands). - TNT: A graphic tool-kit to design ARTIS applications easily. TNT generates a set of XML files which contain the specification of the ARTIS application. - XML parsers: A set of programs to generate the C source code corresponding to the XML generated by TNT. - Templates: A set of templates that are useful to create new ARTIS applications from scratch (i.e: without using TNT). - Scripts: A set of scripts that are useful to create from scratch and run ARTIS applications. - SOFTWARE DEPENDENCIES Before describing the installation process of ARTIS, it is necessary to specify every software dependency. - Linux and RT-Linux The version of RT-Linux for which ARTIS has been developed is rtlinux-3.2-pre1 (free version) and the Linux kernel to be patched should be an standard 2.4.18 or 2.4.27 kernel Probably ARTIS can also be run over later versions of Linux and RT-Linux, but since they have not been tested, we can't be sure of that... The Linux kernel can be obtained from http://www.kernel.org/ and the RT-Linux kernel can be obtained from http://rtportal.upv.es/ - Java To run TNT, the graphic toolkit to design ARTIS applications, you will need to install JDK5 or later. JDK and other Java utilites can be downloaded from http://java.sun.com/ - ARTIS XML parsers In order to generate ths C source code from the XML files which are generated by TNT, you will need to have the expat XML parser installed on your computer. It can be obtained from http://expat.sourceforge.net/ - Tcl/Tk To run kiwi, you will have to have Tcl/Tk 8.0 or later installed on your computer. You can obtain it from http://www.tcl.tk/ - HOW TO BUILD AND INSTALL ARTIS To build and install ARTIS on your machine you just have to execute the following: cd /make make make install Once you have made this, ARTIS will be installed in /usr/local/artis - HOW TO UNINSTALL ARTIS To uninstall ARTIS from your computer just execute the following: cd /make make uninstall Once you have made this, ARTIS will be uninstallled from your computer. - HOW TO RUN ARTIS EXAMPLES Some ARTIS examples are found in /tests The names of the examples are hello_world, producer_consumer and prod_cons_incremental. To build them and run them just execute the following in the directory of the test you want to run: cd /tests/ make rtload [ ] If you don't specify the execution time and the trace file the example runs until you execute rmmod rtl_tasks Take into account that if ARTIS has been built with trace support, it will generate a lot of tracing data and it may fill your HDD!!!