Tourism Services

Using Agent Technology


As it is already known, the tourism area has a huge economic potential and a social profit towards the future. This industry is covered by a lot of public and private institutions, that doesn’t provide services to users in a coordinated way. In the past, the tourism services only focus on solving the lodging problem to different types of users. At the present time and thanks to the appearance of new markets on this sector and the variety of users according to his age, genre, acquisition capacity and interest, these services have to include a huge range of additional facilities to fullfil the final users needs, the tourist.

From the point of view of the tourist, it would be a big help have all the update information of the different interest sites like, a restaurant that is not to expensive or that has a specific type of food, being able to make a reservation in that restaurant, or if he wants to know if there is some archaeological exhibition, or just know to what movie theatre he can go in the city, having the information of the movies and their schedules. Thinking of this, the advantages of having a solution to user level that allows the search and planning of different tourism activities for a specific day are obvious.

Starting off the need to develop an application focused on tourism information services of different types to users; and pretending  to take advantage of all the recent technological advances into mobile/smart devices (like a PDA or a cell phone)  that are capable to connect to internet, a Multiagent system has been developed to offer this facilities and much more to user (tourist) and to the tourism places, because they are able to publish and offer updated information of their activities and characteristics, increasing the use of their services and therefore profits.


This work is partially supported by the GV06/315 project of the Valencian Government.